Welcome to my personal page

Hi, my name is Christos Vasilakos and I am an Assistant Professor in Remote Sensing and GIS at the Department of Geography, University of the Aegean, Greece. I am an Environmental Scientist and hold a Ph.D. in Fire Risk Assessment with GIS, Remote Sensing and Neural Networks. I have been participated in 15 research projects as a research scientist, while my research resulted in 66 publications in international and Greek scientific journals and conference proceedings. During my research activities i collaborated with the National Agricultural Research Foundation and National Observatory of Athens and i worked as a visiting scientist at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in Germany and at Carlos III University of Madrid, Dept. of Computer Science in Spain.

My research interests include Remote Sensing, Geographical Information Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Natural Hazards, Programming, Geo-informatics Applications. Currently, I teach the courses of Remote Sensing and Special Issues in Geo-Informatics in undergraduate and postgraduate programs. Here you can find more information on my research experience, my teaching activities and other material from my academic activities.