The Automated Fire and Flood Hazard Protection System (AUTO-HAZARD PRO) integrated real-time and on-line fire and flood hazard management schemes into a GIS-type platform. AUTO-HAZARD PRO was developed in EU Member-State Disasters Management and Civil Protection Agencies. Collection, input, storage, management and analysis of the information was depended on advanced and automated methodologies using Remote Sensing, GPS, Digital Mapping and GIS. Proactive development of such infrastructure assist in fast and realistic prevention and pre-suppression planning, real-time fire suppression operations, and rehabilitation of burned areas.
My personal involvement in this project was to develop an operational system for the spatial calculation of fire ignition danger by using GIS, neural networks and remote sensing. Furthermore, i developed the spatial databases that supported the system. The system was applied in 2 different study areas in Lesvos island, Greece, and in Madrid, Spain. Part of my work was conducted at Carlos III University of Madrid, Department of Computer Science. The tools i used were VB .NET and ArcObjects library by ESRI.